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Yummy Goods Blog

While She Naps podcast episode #83

melissa averinos

While She Naps podcast episode #83

Yay, I'm over on Abby Glassenberg's While She Naps podcast today! I'm always nervous when interviews come out, afraid I will have said something dumb! I just listened to it and I think I did ok!  I did this interview last week and it was super fun. We talked about my new fabric line called Yummies. We talked about how much I FREAKING LOVE teaching people how to make faces in fabric. (affiliate link to my book) We talked about my quilt My Brother's Jeans winning Best In Show at QuiltCon 2016. We also talked about depression --- and that for the...


melissa averinos


OMG, you guys. I made a coloring book! And I love it so much!! ok, ok. I didn't make it. I illustrated it. C&T Publishing made it. And they did an excellent job! It's a little bit different from regular coloring books - it has 8 jumbo pull-out pages! Like, posters! With my weirdness All. Over. The. Place. They let me be weird! I'm so in love with it! The pages are large enough that you can color it in with your friends. At the same time! Awesome Town is populated with weird cats, hand-painted owls, sea creatures of questionable...

Quiltcon 2016 Best In Show

melissa averinos

Quiltcon 2016 Best In Show

  Um, you guys? My quilt My Brother's Jeans won Best In Show at QuiltCon! (WHAAAAT EVEN????) DID I MENTION HOLY SHIT   xo, melissa      

hang in there, weirdo

melissa averinos

hang in there, weirdo

I made this little design for myself one day when I was having a hard go of it,  as you know I do sometimes.  HANG IN THERE, WEIRDO. Ah, I love it. It makes me smile every time I look at it, which is all the time since I set it as my desktop background.  Hi. I like you. Thank you for being here with me. You are my community, my friends, my peeps. I get so much from my interactions with you on the facebook, instagram, sharing my obsessions with you  on pinterest, your comments here on my blog. Seriously?...

face #1 quilt in progress

melissa averinos

face #1 quilt in progress

Yup, another face.  I can't stop. If we are pals on instagram (which we totally should be) then you know this. I decided I wanted to try a pieced improv face. At this point, I am just building this face on the design wall. When I get to the actual piecing it is going to be a bear! Like my mess? You know how I like to keep it real. I can barely see the floor in there. I keep trying to get Stuart to hang out with me while I quilt but he's not having it. He practically gets...